Your video flopped? We know why! - Tips included
Wir sind der Überzeugung, dass nicht jeder das Rad immer wieder neu erfinden muss. Daher teilen wir gerne unser Expertenwissen mit unserer Leserschaft und geben wertvolle Tipps rund um die Themen Fotografie und Film. Viel Spaß beim Lesen und Umsetzen 😊
Imagefilm Produktion – Überzeugen in 2023
Ein Imagefilm ist ein kurzer Film, der das Unternehmen, dessen Philosophie, Dienstleistungen oder Produkte sowie die Mitarbeiter vorstellt. Der Zweck eines Imagefilms besteht darin,
What is good event photography in 2023?
Event photography is an art form that requires skill, creativity and quick reflexes. It is about capturing the most precious moments of occasions such as a wedding, a performance
How to shoot video with a drone
You want to shoot video with a drone? Then here are the best tips on how to set up your drone before filming. Drone shots create stunning landscape scenes
Was kostet ein Imagefilm? – Schritte für Schritt Anleitung
What does a corporate video cost? This is a question clients ask us often. Here we will breakdown the steps to planning and pricing your corporate video,
How to conduct good interviews for your corporate videos?
The secret to conducting good interviews is the naturalness and authenticity of the mood and in the questions posed by the interviewer.
12 Types of corporate videos
Video traffic is quickly becoming the dominant medium on the internet, and by the time you read this, it might already be. Therefore, having corporate videos is essential for the success of your brand.